If you have any questions about a recipe or if you'd like to reach out, please feel free to contact me: melinda @ crinkled cookbook .com (Remove spaces.)
Sharing Recipes
Sharing is great! I LOVE to share my recipes with you and linking from this website to your social media platforms or as a text or in an email is encouraged!
But reposting my photos or recipes on another blog or website is a big no-no. Unless we've talked about this, please ask for permission first or follow the rules below.
The content found here is protected by copyright.
Rules for Sharing Recipes
Here's how you CAN share things from this website on another blog or website:
You're welcome to link back to a recipe or post, but please don't recreate the post's content in a new location. Doing that impacts how search engines find and rank my recipes, which is a real bummer.
If you'd like to share my content... please use a double link back to this site. For instance, you could say "I enjoyed Crinkled Cookbook's (link to the homepage for this website) recipe for Orange Sweet Rolls (link to the specific recipe that you enjoyed)."
Sharing Photos
As for photos, you are welcome to use a photo without the associated content/recipe, but you must credit the picture with a double link. One that goes back to my homepage and another that links to the post where the photo originated. For example, you could say "Find this recipe for Orange Sweet Rolls on the Crinkled Cookbook."